Anything is possible through a little photography trick. Photoshop can do magic and can turn a simple photograph into a fantastic creation. Using tricks like forced perspective can make things change in scale, transforming them into larger or smaller versions of themselves. Wire Hon, a Malaysian toy collector, uses forced perspective to various DC and Marvel superheroes look as tall as him in his photos. He has cast various superheroes like The Hulk, Batman, Superman, Deadpool, and Black Widow in his portraits. Here’s how his photos look…
Wire Hon makes action figure toys look much larger than they actually are

How it looks behind the shot

And how the shot turns out to be…

The images shows the super heroes doing the tasks around the house

Here is a funny image of Superman and his wife…

And his son is in the photos too!

Spiderman clicking photos

And here is a family photo

It might look like Hon uses special equipment to click these amazing photos, but he uses is his smartphone and strategic angles to create the illusion. Be keep up with Hon and his superhero antics follow Hon on Instagram.
Also Read: 16 Stunning Pictures That Show The Miracles Of Photoshop