Watch: The World’s Fastest Talking Man Sings Michael Jackson’s Song ‘BAD’ In 20 Seconds

Fastest talking man

An average person can speak approximately 100-300 words in a minute. But how many words the world’s fastest talking man can speak in a minute?

John Moschitta Jr, the actor and then Guinness World Record holder for World’s Fastest Talker, has the ability to articulate 586 words per minute!

In a 1987 interview, the actor talks about his career up to that point and the commercials he has done, and his 10-minute University.

But the highlight of the interview was when the interviewer asked him to recite the words from the song ‘BAD’ and Moschitta did so in just 20 seconds.

Don’t believe us? Hear yourself–––

We tried to keep up with the lyrics, but failed.

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