This Bold Beekeeper Rescues A Live Beehive With Bare Hands

The professional beekeeper Erika Thompson, has recently been dubbed as a Bee Whisperer soon after one of her rescue mission videos of a beehive went viral. In that video, she explains how the landlord wanted to call upon an exterminator, but then she came along and moved the beehive to a safe place with her bare hands.

You can see the entire removal and movement of the beehive process in this video below.

The beehive whisperer Thompson told BBC that:

This wasn’t an extraordinary removal or an atypical one by any means. Bees are often looking for a new place to build a hive, and these backyard sheds give them a really good environment where they’re protected from the elements.

Species of all types of bees and insects are incredibly important to the diversity of our ecosystem and to our food system. I hope that by showing people the incredible world of honey bees, that hopefully, they can learn something about them and maybe have a new understanding and respect for them.

Here’s an intricate close-up shot of the bees at work in their beehive.

Here’s Thompson, doing what she does best!

We bee-lieve that she is doing an amazing job preserving the bees and beehives across. As much as we might not understand, bees play an important part in our ecosystem and must be preserved at all costs.

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