Valentine’s Day is a day of love and commitment. It’s a day where couples reaffirm their love for each other and Cupid shoots an arrow to the potential match. But it can also be a harsh reminder to some unhappy couples. A law firm out of Crossville, Tennessee is giving away a free divorce to a winner of their Valentine’s Day contest.

The Powers Law Firm said, “Valentine’s Day, to some, is a reminder that they are trapped in a marriage that they cannot afford to get out of, or for some other reason.”
And that’s why, the Tennessee law firm has decided to give away a free divorce representation to one lucky (or unlucky) client who just can’t wait to say goodbye to their partner.

The Powers Law Firm in Crossville will choose one person seeking a divorce and offer free legal services, including the court filing fees.
“There’s a lot of people that stay married just because they can’t afford it. Divorces are really expensive. Usually, the cost starts from $1,150, and not everyone has that kind of money to drop off the bat,” Timothy Sexton, a paralegal at the law firm, told CNN.

“After we’ve endured the coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns, a nation divided during election season, some people may have reached their breaking point and they need a way out so we are offering them an opportunity to move on with their lives,” he said.
Unfortunately, only Tennessee residents are eligible. Those who are interested, have to email their stories explaining why they want a divorce latest by February 15 — the day after Valentine’s Day.

The winner will be selected on February 19.
The Powers Law Firm says the divorce must be agreed to by both parties and involve little or no child custody issues. The only cost not covered is a parent education class required for divorces involving minors.
Here’s what you need to do to enter:
- The divorce must be agreed upon by both parties
- You must submit a story as to why you wish to get divorced to the law firm
- Submissions will be accepted through Monday, Feb. 15 and the winner will be selected on Friday, Feb. 19
- Submissions will also need to include a phone number and an email address where you can be contacted
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comment section below!
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