We, humans, have changed the face of technology. Each passing year, we make some tremendous progress. And with that, our gadgets and tools keep on evolving.But then there are times when we need help from tech support, right?
If you read their worst-case stories then you will actually question people’s sanity. We found a subreddit thread called r/techsupportgore. And just like the name suggests, it’s from tech support guys who are sharing their worst and nightmare cases.
1. After 4 long hrs

2. A madman must be working there

3. I said “put it in rice.” Not “put rice in it.”

4. The user had a heater next to the PC and it kept shutting off & thought they smelled something burning a couple of times.

5. Apparently someone got tired of it ringing, so they put it in the oven.

6. This is a “water-cooled” PC found online

7. Go check the switch closet. We think something might have gotten unplugged somewhere.

8. We don’t even want to know what just happened!

9. Told a user to shut down their virus infected computer and ship it back and to label it as infected. They did good.

10. “My fan was making too much noise!”

11. “My PC shut off suddenly & won’t turn back on”

12. “My space heater stopped working”

13. “You can fix your sister’s phone right? It gets hot & switches off.” “What’s that smell?” It was battery acid.

14. User calls about a disc being stuck in another computer, mentions offhand about this laptop. They had been using & charging it like this for weeks…

15. One of my co-workers was eager to unpack her new mouse

16. My grandpa thought his headphone jack was a screw hole

17. The nastiest mouse I have ever seen in the field. Make no mistake, that is not dust. That is…uh…hand-grease

18. “There’s something wrong with the printer in the lab…”

19. “I forgot that I left my laptop on the top of my truck. It flew off when I was on the highway. Can you fix it?”

20. “But I like it this way, it’s convenient.” -My tech-savvy aunt

If you liked this tech support stories article then check out 16 Times People Came Up With Crazy Ideas To Escape Annoying Situations