A U.K.-based artist Anna & the Willow is filling forests with statues made of woven rods of willow. It’s not often that we see life-size sculptures (made of English-grown rods of willow) in the forests. But thanks to Anna & the willow, we can now see such incredible art pieces installed in the forests of the UK.

Anna is been working on this for 10 years. It all started when she took up a weekend sculpting course. “Working with a natural material opened up a new world and I consequently went on to learn the different techniques of basketry,” Says Anna.
She enjoys using the traditional skills of basketry and adds her own flair to the process.

Each sculpture is first planned with hand-drawn sketches then rendered from steel frames. Afterward, she wraps them with layers of interwoven willow rods, revealing their exciting forms.

Image Credits: Annaandthewillow
This talented craft-maker has definitely taken traditional basketry to a whole new level by creating incredible nature-inspired sculptures.
For more Information: Anna & the Willow: Website | Facebook | Instagram
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