The next king of England, the father of Prince Harry, Prince Charles is actually descended from Dracula. Yes, you read that right.

Prince Charles/wikipedia
According to NPR, During an interview, Prince Charles said “Transylvania is in my blood. The genealogy shows that I’m descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.” And according to CBS, “The link, it appears, is his great-grandmother, Mary of Teck, who was grandmother to Britain’s current ruler, Queen Elizabeth II, and was queen during the reign of King George V. A Wurttemberg princess, Mary – the woman for whom the liner Queen Mary was named – was believed descended from two of Vlad’s sons.”

Mary Of Teck/Wikipedia
According to History, during the 1400s, Vlad III – commonly known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula – was the Prince of Wallachia (modern-day Romania). His dad adopted the last name of Dracul meaning dragon, which is why Vlad’s last name became Dracula (son of the dragon). According to NBC.

Vlad Dracula/wikipedia
It is said that Vlad was an extremely violent ruler. According to legend, he dipped his bread in the blood of his stabbed victims.
That’s pure horror!
Do you know that Count Dracula, the fictional character, was actually inspired by Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia?
What are your thoughts on this?
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