After a lot of experimenting, aerial photographer from Australia, Derry Moroney has taken a shot of what looks like a mystical “tree of life” in a receding lake.

A spiritual symbol found in world religion and many mythologies, the aerial shots are reminiscent of the “tree of life”.

Lake Cakora is on the North Coast of Australia’s New South Wales state where the tree was found.

The lake experiences inundations due to ocean tides along with its waters rise and fall because of the rain. The experienced nature photographer Moroney started visually documenting the lake about six months ago with his drone camera to capture this sight.

In his series of new photographs, Moroney captured the seasonal changes of the lake. He did so by returning to the site every two weeks.
As you can see on his Instagram, he has tracked the tree’s shifting colors and varied sizes.

Image Courtesy: Derry Moroney – Instagram | Facebook
These images however still are filled with a certain mystery of life because of the tree inundations. All thanks to the rain reshaping the landscape.
To keep up with Moroney’s photography adventures, visit his Instagram and Facebook pages.
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