Ketrina Hill, 27, a mother of two, from Cambridgeshire, has eaten both of her kids’ placentas. She believes this has proven greatly beneficial for her health and wellbeing, resulting in ‘quick recovery, less chance of post-natal depression, and an increase in milk production’.
In 2016, Ketrina gave birth to her first baby, Finnley, and had initially wanted to consume the organ in the form of placenta encapsulation pills. But, she was unable to afford the expenses involved in this process, she decided to look for alternative methods of consumption. She researched how others have cooked and eaten their placentas and decided to give it a go herself.

After her firt delivery, she cooked her placenta with chilli, mixing them up with some traditional minced beef. While she thinks it helped her recover quicker, she admits the meat was a little dry, so when she had her second child, in 2020, she got more creative. The second time around, she ate the organ in the form of a burrito, also combining it with some beef.
After returning home from the hospital, Ketrina made sure to put the placenta straight in the freezer before defrosting it for her post-birth feasts.

“Seeing people in the media having a positive approach to ingesting placenta will help spread knowledge about how good it is.”
‘I think it’s great that Dani Dyer is considering it,’ She told MetroUK
“I read a lot of research in placenta encapsulation but couldn’t afford it so decided to research people who had eaten it instead.“
“I didn’t know whether I felt so good because I had eaten the placenta, so I made the decision to do it again after my second baby and had the same experience.” MetroUK
To prepare her burrito placenta, Ketrina chopped up the organ and added it to beef, slow-cooked the mixture in a pot. She then put the ‘meat’ in a plain wrap and topped it with shredded cheese and sour cream.

Ketrina enjoyed both meals and says she was more successful with the cooking of it the second time.

Ketrina encourages all new mums to eat their placenta, as she believes that these unusual meals helped her recover from giving birth quicker and helped bring her energy levels back up.

Although a study in 2015 by Northwestern University said there are no proven benefits of eating the placenta, but it continues to be a popular trend.
Images: Jam Press
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