Sexuality in itself is a difficult topic to discuss with your kids. And everyone has a different parenting style – and rightly so! Recently, TikTok mom-fluencer Nevada Shareef asked parents, “Name something about the way you raised your kids that people think is weird but you think is healthy,” excited to hear different parenting styles.

And one mom named Cayce LaCorte shared an eye-opening message. In a video that has been watched over 2.2 million times, Cayce debunked the virginity myth.

Cayce’s message immediately sparked a conversation among parents — many realizing the importance of what she has said.

LaCorte started the conversation bluntly. “I’m gonna get a lot of s*** for this, but what are you gonna do?” she said in the video.
“Just because some guy randomly sticks his penis in you at some point in your life, it does not change your worth.
It does not change who you are. It doesn’t do anything other than it happened.”

Questions from other moms, including the assumption LaCorte’s daughters may be “promiscuous,” arose with her teaching methods. “Sex is important. It’s a big deal; it should always be a big deal. It has nothing to do with your first time. It’s just ridiculous. The whole concept is ridiculous,” the video explained.

The mom currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her 5 daughters who range in age from 7 to 16.
LaCorte wants to teach her daughters that their own worth. She believes that a person’s worth should never be affected by their sexual relations. “I’m raising them to be good people and have solid foundations and make their own choices and make intelligent choices. Not because some book says not to,” she concluded the video.

When it comes to teaching her kids about sex, Cayce doesn’t wait to have that “one big talk.” Instead, she has a lot of little conversations as they grow. “I start young, focusing on body autonomy — not having to hug someone or let a relative kiss them.“
“I make sure they understand the technical names for the parts of their bodies. I want them to know that it’s OK to cause a scene if they feel threatened or even just scared,” she said, pointing out that young kids are often taught to be quiet and “not cause a scene” when something they don’t like happens.

LaCorte wants society should better invest their time and effort in educating kids about pregnancy, STDs, and self-worth.
“How about, instead of making the first time special, make sure it’s always special because that’s the bare minimum you deserve.”
Cayce is writing a book and starting a YouTube channel soon. Be sure to check out her website and follow her on TikTok!
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