Did you know that Romans brushed their teeth with pee?

Yes, my friend, the world is full of weird things and you are about to learn some really freakish facts…
1. Butterflies will drink your blood, sweat, and tears.

We love butterflies but given the chance, the colorful, lovely butterfly would drink your bodily fluids. They hover over pools of mud, blood, feces, and other fun stuff to determine if it has the nutrients they want. And you know human blood has a ton of valuable nutrients.
But don’t worry butterflies won’t suck your blood like a vampire but some moths may.
2. Corn Flakes were invented to prevent masturbation.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg believed sex was a heinous sin—he didn’t even sleep with his own wife. And this doesn’t end here –– he believed that masturbation is even worse.
So he came up with a healthy breakfast for people to prevent masturbation. He believed that certain foods, such as meat, increased sexual desire, while cereal and nuts have the power to temper it.
3. Hitler was once nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yes my friend you read that right. Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize the same year World War II began. Apparently, the member of the Swedish parliament who nominated him intended the nomination as a satiric criticism in response to the nomination of then British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
But his satire wasn’t well-received, and thank goodness, the nomination was withdrawn.
4. Frogs use their eyeballs to swallow.

Oh my…!
After researchers used X-rays to observe frogs while eating, they found that when swallowing, a frog will retract its eyeballs down to its esophagus to push the food down.
Yep, there’s no way I am sleeping tonight.
5. Dead people can still get erections

It is actually common for dead bodies to get an erection. They have a term for it––” angel lust”. It is most likely to happen after a sudden death in a vertical or face-down position.
6. In the 18th Century a woman called Mary Toft convinced doctors that she had given birth to rabbits.

Mary Toft reportedly gave birth to 9 bunnies at a time. She convinced doctors that this was true until doctors found pieces of corn inside the stomach of one of the rabbits, proving that it hadn’t developed inside Toft’s womb.
It turned out Mary had been manually inserting the rabbits to make the ‘delivery’ look as realistic as possible. Gross.
7. Each human shares 99.9% percent of the same DNA

This means you’re also just 0.1 percentage point away from being Oprah. Woah!
8. Your cell phone has more germs than your toilet seat.

Scientists at the University of Arizona have found that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats. (umich)
9. Turtles breathe out of their butts.

It’s not so much of breathing as just diffusing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, but the fact remains the same that turtles intake oxygen through their butts. Like can you imagine this happening to us humans? Oh no!
10. Starfish eat with their stomach inside out.

Starfish, also known as sea star, mostly eats clams and mussels. When the sea star catches its food (say clams), it opens its shell a tiny bit. And then it pushes one of its two stomachs (a sea star has two stomachs) inside out through its mouth into the clam’s shell. Once the stomach is inside the shell, it swallows the clam’s soft body.
11. Shooting star could just be an astronaut’s poop.

When astronaut poop is released into space, it burns up with an effect much like a shooting star. That means the shooting star you see and make a wish can be a falling poop. Lol!
12. Scientists used to believe there were tiny people inside sperm.

It was at the beginning of spermists’ theory, which stated that the sperm was in fact a “little man” that was placed inside a woman for growth into a child.
13. One kiss transfers more than 80 million germs

Partners share more than just secrets. They share bacterias too. One 10-secs kiss can transfer as many as 80 million germs. But scientists also think that the shared bacteria might boost the immune system.
14. In the 7th-century woman gave birth after she had already died.

Wait, what?!
It’s called coffin birth. Once archaeologists discovered a mother’s remains lying face-up with the skeleton of a fetus in between her legs, and only the legs of the baby still inside her. (smart news).
15. Humans have farted approximately 17 quadrillion times over the course of human history.

That’s some information buddy. Deadspin calculated that there have been approximately 17 quadrillion human farts over the course of history. An average human farts 13-14 times a day. So each time you fart you’ll be adding the numbers.
16. Pope Gregory IX declared war on the cats of the world.

Pope Gregory believed that black cats are evil and he insisted that they were associated with devil worship, which is why cats were widely killed throughout Europe. Later, due to the scarcity of cats, the rat population grew, which in turn led to the spread of the bubonic plague a few decades later.
17. The ancient Romans often used urine as mouthwash.

This sounds gross but urine contains ammonia, which is actually one of the best natural cleaning agents. This cleaning of teeth with urine was so in-demand that Romans who traded this product, actually had to pay a tax.
18. A novel about an ‘unsinkable’ ship that was hit by an iceberg was published in 1898. That’s 14 years before the Titanic sunk

The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility is a novella written by Morgan Robertson and published as Futility in 1898, 14 years before the Titanic sank. There are petrifying similarities between the book and the real-life event–– both ships suffered from an eventually tragic shortage of lifeboats, and the doomed ship in the book was called – wait for it – Titan
19. A cockroach can live for weeks after its head has been cut off

Cockroaches are often said as the most likely survivors of a nuclear war. Cockroaches breathe through little holes in each of their body segments. Unlike humans, they are not dependent on their noses or mouth to breathe. Also after you cut their heads off, very often their necks would seal off just by clotting. Cockroaches only die because, without a mouth, they can’t drink water and dies of thirst.
20. The representational shape of the heart was inspired by an ancient form of birth control.

The modern heart shape came from silphium, a type of fennel that the ancient Greeks and Romans used for birth control. In fact, the plant is extinct now because they were using so much of it.
Did you know any of these facts before?
Also Read: Interesting Historical Facts About Ancient Egypt That Will Surprise You