On Long Island, New York, there’s a McDonald’s known as the ‘McMansion,’ because it’s housed in a lovely old-style white house with a wide double staircase, a dining foyer, and a lovely portico.
It’s also referred to as America’s’most beautiful’ McDonald’s, and it was only made possible by the good folks of Nassau, who decided they didn’t want the property bulldozed to the ground to become just another McDonald’s like the rest.

Tdorante10/Wikimedia Commons
The franchise owner said when it first opened that they wanted to “put tablecloths and little battery-operated candles on the tables on Friday and Saturday nights“. The McMansion has even hosted weddings.

The original building dates back to 1795 and was built as a decadent farmhouse. It has served a variety of purposes over the years, including a funeral home and a number of restaurants.
It was left abandoned in the early 1900s, but it was purchased by the McDonald’s company in 1985, when they decided to demolish it and replace it with a more traditional McDonald’s.
The residents, on the other hand, were not having it.
ThenMcDonald’s New York regional vice president said, “When we took over this building, it was a disaster, a real eyesore, there were pigeons all over. We had to gut the building, take it down to the rafters.”
McDonald’s was forced to stand down after it was declared a historic site in 1988. They poured a lot of money at the project to rebuild the building over the years, as they were permitted to have a drive-thru there.
Although the food is the same as at any other Maccies, the environment is not.
It first opened in its current form in 1991 and hasn’t changed much since then, except for the installation of certain new features such as self-service displays and electronic menu boards.

It’s the only McDonald’s in the United States that’s built in a completely restored historic property.
So, if you’re ever in the Long Island and want to go back in time while still eating McNuggets, you know where to go.
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