A man from Scotland captured outstanding images of a red vessel floating in the air. Or what it appears to be. Colin McCallum took a photo of the “floating ship” on the horizon while he was traveling through Banff, Aberdeenshire, in Scotland last week.
In a photo that Colin shared on Facebook, the ship appears to be floating a few inches above the surface of the water. This all due to the color of the water and the sky above it, the boat appears as if it is floating freely in the sky.

The keel of the ship is out of view and join with the low lying clouds making it difficult to see where the water ends and the clear blue skies begin.
Astounded by the sighting, Colin filmed the illusion in motion as he crossed the coast.

Colin said to the Mirror UK “When I first saw the boat, I had to do a double-take because I genuinely thought it was floating. Upon further inspection, however, I noticed that it was in fact just a remarkable optical illusion.”
“It was caused by a cloud formation closer to the shore which changed the color of the water closer to the land. The boat, being further away, was in a cloudless area and therefore the sky reflected the sea making it look like the boat was floating.”
What will be your reaction if you witnessed a floating ship?
Imaged Credits: Deadline
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