Last year in June, a man in Austria got fined for farting provocatively at police. He was bizarrely slapped with a fine of €500 ($594.48) and now has got his fine reduced to the amount of €100 ($118.89) after challenging the matter in court.
It was alleged that the man got up from a bench in a park, glanced at the police officers, and then ‘let go a massive intestinal wind apparently with full intent,’ reports Daily Mail. The police said that the man had behaved ‘provocatively and uncooperatively’.
He managed to reduce the fine by arguing that it was a biological process. He also asserted that flatulence should be seen as a “right under freedom of expression”, even if one does it intentionally.
Eventually, the judge listened to his appeal and decided that the wind was a ‘form of expression’. But it is an expression that transcends the boundaries of decency, the Local AT reported.
The court said that the man’s actions were ‘ridiculous‘ and that he only has ‘average’ guilt for the fart.
The freedom of expression in Austria is not just limited to speech. It also includes other forms such as noises/sounds. But in this case, the fart didn’t have a ‘communicative intend’, so the man had to pay the fine of €100 ($118.89).

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