Meet Chico, a very smart dog who reported himself missing to the Texas Police. The clever canine simply walked through the doors of the Odessa Police Department in the middle of the night and hopped up onto the counter with a big friendly grin.

Sergeant Rusty Martin was the first officer to meet Chico. He said that the carefree pup didn’t seem too fazed by the fact he was missing. “We were all excited to have him in the building,” he recalls. “We had a tennis ball and threw it in the lobby for a bit. Everyone loved on him.”
After the initial excitement, the police officers tried to find out where Chico came from. He was wearing a collar, but unfortunately, the ID tag had fallen off, so animal control was dispatched to come to check for a microchip.
But before animal control could come – Chico decided he’d had enough fun and decided to return home on his own. “He was given lots of love and attention until he decided it was time for him to leave,” the police officers reveal in a Facebook post.

“He let himself out and after an exhausting search was not found. We were relieved to learn he safely returned to his owner. Chico is welcome back anytime.”
Martin reportedly said that the owner responded the next day about dog returning home safely. His owner, Edward Alvarado told the media outlet that when he woke up in the morning, Chico was sitting outside only.
We hope Chico is happy!
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