Beautiful Sculpture Of Jesus In An Abandoned Cemetery Is Slowly Becoming One With Nature

A small village of Łupków in Poland was almost wholly destroyed during World War II. As of today, there are only a few remains of this small settlement, which includes a bell tower, the foundation of a church, and an abandoned cemetery. All these landmarks have been reclaimed by nature in many ways because they’ve been untouched. One of the most interesting amongst them all is a sculpture of Jesus that has almost been absorbed into the trunk of a tree.

The pose and style suggests that this small, black statue used to be a depiction of Jesus on the cross. However, in time, the surrounding forest has slowly taken over this small piece. To the viewer, only the head, torso, and thighs are now visible.

Nearby, we can see wooden crosses that were used as indicative signs where graves were, and these have also now merged with trees. The headstones are now camouflaged in tall leaves and moss. An interesting fact – The soldiers who fought in World War II were the last people to be buried at this lost cemetery.

Scroll down to check out some more pictures of Jesus and nature’s reclamation.

Nature is beautiful and unforgiving. But all in all, nature surprises us, always.

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