There is only as much good in the world, as there is bad. Just like the Yin and yang, they make a perfect balance. But as humans, it’s natural for us to be overwhelmed by all things wrong, and forget what’s good. Here are 20 heartwarming photos that are so inspiring, they will make all the good in the world a bit more vivid and clear. You won’t be able to help but smile.
1. You don’t always need a reason to give each other a hug. Just like these two kids who decided to have a moment at the airport

2. A little girl wipes away the tears of a man on the TV

3. A fireman puts an oxygen mask on a kitten that’s just been saved from a burning building

4. A grandson wears a nightgown just to make his 84-year-old grandmother comfortable to be wearing one while walking around the hospital

5. Surfers help a baby whale find way home as it gets lost

6. A man helps a stranger perfect his tie

Red Desmond Thomas
7. Someone found a way to feed all the newborn puppies at the same time

8. Two men save a lamb from falling in the river

9. Two cyclists take a quick break to feed a dehydrated koala on the street

10. These two share their battles

11. Witnessing the miracle of life, that is bigger than all wars

12. This girl draws pictures of rainbows and gives them to those who make her feel good

13. A grandpa takes a dog that cannot walk for a walk in a wheelchair

14. No more Rain-deer!

15. These kids read to the dogs in the shelter, to help them get used to people

16. Why should only the young have all the fun?

17. The first time you watch the snow falling!

18. “We just got a family!”

19. This little girl had a rough day at school, but someone’s got a solution! Cuddles!

20. These two always sleep, making sure their feet touch others’

The world is indeed a wonderful place to be! Keep smiling!