Art can turn ordinary into elegance. Here’s an artist that turned used dinnerware into exquisite pieces of jewelry. German artist, Gésine Hackenberg extricates small decorative parts of antique ceramics and makes them into well-crafted earrings and rings.

In an interview with MDBA Hackenberg explains “Coming from a goldsmithing background I think I got I kind of bored working within the classic parameters of ‘jewelry.’ I wanted to broaden my view. My work is an ongoing investigation of everyday life and bringing these ideas and objects into jewelry.”

She also explains the process of making them.
“First a plate is discovered from an antique shop. And then, I start drilling the discs out manually with a drilling machine. Once the drilling has begun, the design of the piece emerges based on the placement of each drilled hole from the plate. Once all the ‘pearls’ have been drilled, a small channel is carved around the circumference of the pearl in order to string them together for a necklace.“

“For brooches, earrings, and rings, the design is also determined based on the placement of the drilling, but instead silver settings are made to hold each pearl in the piece.“

Image Credits: Gésine Hackenberg
These are just incredible!
For more information: Gésine Hackenberg/Website
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