Christmas is the season of jolly and happiness all around us. It’s the time of sipping hot chocolate and sitting by the fireplace. And to enjoy the festive spirits, we decorate our house and Christmas tree. Stockings are hanged on the mantle and the dinner table is set. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? But what would happen if you wake up to find a raccoon on your Christmas tree?
This isn’t a house cat or dog that we are talking about. It can truly be terrifying.

Aubrey Iacobelli woke up at 4:15 a.m. to find a new and unwelcome creature in her living room. She filmed the entire thing and has posted the video on Facebook.
“I heard a scuffle, in through the doggie door. I don’t know how the heck this just happened, there’s a cat inside my Christmas tree.”

She tries a number of tactics to scare the animal out of her holiday tree. From using a frying pan to squirting vinegar at it, she tries to poke at the animal.
However, she soon realizes she’s not dealing with a cat.

“Is it a cat? No, it’s not a cat. What is that?” she asks after catching a better glimpse of the furry critter, which she thinks might be a squirrel.
And then suddenly the raccoon that was hiding in the Christmas tree suddenly burst from the branches — and scampers up into her chandelier.

Her dog and the raccoon get into a fight for a minute or two.
But instead of running towards the door, the animal decides to go towards her dining room. Eventually, he starts swinging from the overhead light fixture and it looked like an amazing circus act!

Around 5:15 a.m., Iacobelli began swatting at the raccoon with a broom hoping that would scare it toward the front door.

It worked – and the raccoon made its way back outside.
“Now that it’s not right there in that moment, it does seem kinda funny. It’s probably going to get funnier, the further away from it I get,” Iacobelli said.
Watch the video –
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Images taken from the video