Food. Sleep. Our two favorite things in this whole wide world. Imagine a world where you can combine both of them. We present 15 big drool-worthy pillows that are all about food for someone who loves to nap. Get them for your room or add them to your gift options list, these babies are too real to miss!
Buy them before they get sold out!
1. A freshly baked bread that will remind you of a bakery
While it might be tempting to hear the crunch of this realistic bread, try resisting it.
2. When you actually buy ‘couch potato‘ & be one too 😛

Binge watch your favourite shows on the couch with a couch potato!
3. You should always get what you love & we love burgers!
Never separate yourself from the thing you love the most!
4. A sushi roll pillow to roll in the bed, for a true Sushi lover!
If you love sushi and can’t stop eating it then this sushi pillow is a must buy!
5. Love chicken? Can’t live without it? How about a chicken’s leg that you can cuddle with?
You can also choose between a chicken wing, shrimp, and squid. These big pillows are extremely soft and feel comfortable to touch and sleep on it.
6. A fluffy dumpling pillow to get all cozied up like a dumpling!
They are great throw pillows for your living room.
Bonus: A cute dumpling chew toy so that your furry pal can nap without being jealous!
7. There’s always some room for dessert, right? Waffle pillows to drool in the sweetest of dreams.

Doesn’t it look life-like?
8. French fries are everyone’s BFFs.
Fries are everyone’s comfort food and now you can sleep on some crusty ones.
10. Breakfast time equals toast time
It’s so adorable!
11. Need some juicy steak to make your day better? How about this one? We assure you this isn’t vegan…

12. Some totally heatable, adorable S’mores that can be your perfect ‘period’ partner.
It provides extra warmth and is ultra plushy!
13. This adorable squishy avocado plushie looks so delicious!
It’s so cute that we just want to eat it even though we know we can’t. Sigh.
14. What’s breakfast if it doesn’t have donuts?

And it’s available in three colors.
15. How can this list be complete without some never-melting ice cream?!
It’s our first love.
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