What do you think makes you, you? Your parents, ethnicity, values, ambitions? Well, each one of us is carrying valuable information that goes back for generations, our DNA.
Ancestry comes together with Momondo’s DNA Journey, to help show how our story has much more to it than we think.
Together with science and self-discovery, here’s a video that shows that there are more things in the world that are uniting us than dividing us.

Momondo interviewed a group of 67 individuals asking about their story, what they know of their family, and what country they most likely expect to be hailing from. The group was a mixture of people confident of their ‘100% Icelandic’ or ‘patriotic Bangladeshi’ or ‘proud Black’ or ‘Kurdish’ backgrounds.
Here’s How Ellaha finds out about her Turkish background!
Ellaha comes from a political refugee family, from Kurdistan, Iran. However, the question of knowing her nationality affects her as she feels like they don’t even have a country anymore.

Her family, as she says, has been through a lot as Kurds. Though there’s a part of her that feels “we all are human”, Ellaha, has strong feelings for the Turkish government.
When asked what she hopes to discover through the DNA test, she says, “This sounds so cliche’, but maybe like that we’re all equal. That there is not a big difference between you and me.”
Ellaha finds out that she is 79% from Iran and Caucasus, which was in Turkey! She is also part European-Jewish.
Much to her surprise, Ellaha also happens to meet a cousin, Waj. The DNA test looks through a database of around 1 million people, also trying to connect cousins. The test estimated ( 99.6% sure) that Waj and Ellaha shared a common ancestor somewhere between 150 and 225 years ago, i.e great great great great grandparents.

What are the odds, right? Isn’t it beautiful to have proof that we’re much closer to the world than we think we are? That “people aren’t politics” and we have family that we haven’t just met, yet!

Ever wondered about your own lineage and family history? Ever craved to know more about where your ancestors came from and how your family got where they are?
Well, now you can! Start your Free Trial on Ancestry.com to get started.
You can also get quick geographical and historical insights and ethnicity estimates. Buy the Ancestry DNA test for just $99.