If you struggle with the art of persuasion, you must learn this life skill from this little girl. Toronto resident Christopher Doyle has a very talented daughter and tweeted about a PowerPoint presentation she created. Her demand was simple and clear, the family needed a cat.
Image credits: chrisdoyle

Not only is her presentation on point with its design and flow, but the girl has some very convincing points on why a cat is the best option for the family, “since it’s a cat, you don’t have to take it outside every day for walks.”
After Doyle shared the presentation on Twitter, it went viral! Here are a few slides from her presentation.

The girl had researched thoroughly about adopting a cat and also is ready to take on the responsibility of cleaning the litter box. Would any parent have the nerve to say no to this?

The little girl got so much leverage and support from Twitter!
A few days after sharing the tweet, Doyle made sure he updated his daughter’s supporters with the final decision!
And guess, that was the most convincing move ever pulled by a child because it worked! The family adopted a rescue kitten and she’s home!

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