Little Jamie was born without a left hand. His life completely changesd when his father made him a Steampunk-style prosthesic arm using a 3D printer.

Jamie looks so happy with his badass arm!

Here’s what father Callum Miller said in his Facebook post about his son’s journey – “My son and I would like to share our 3d printed Steampunk Style prosthetic arm with you that we designed and printed at home together, we’ve been making prosthetic arms for around 2 years now, each arm takes around 30 to 40 hours to print and assemble and we’ve made a few versions of this one it’s his favourite arm as he loves the style.

Jamie was born with no left hand so 2 years ago we bought a 3d printer and decided to make our own prosthetic at home, and we also make them free for other kids in our spare time, these arms for other kids are provided FREE of charge so we have a gofund page for donations as all costs and time and donated by myself, my only charge for other kids is a small fee of a couple of chocolate bars as the smiles watching them use their arm to pick up something for the first time ever is priceless!!!”

Image Source: Callum Miller/Facebook
This makes us so happy. It absolutely made our day.
If you want to help the lil boy out, here’s Jamie’s GoFund page…
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