Let’s admit it, we get lazy. We love our cars but at times, stretch going to a mechanic for whatever reasons. Life happens. So, when we finally ride down to the service repair and the car mechanic checks out the car, they know that it needs a bit of TLC. And sometimes, a little more than that.
We found a subreddit thread called r/JustRolledIntoTheShop. And just like the name suggests, it’s from car mechanics who are sharing their stories(and pictures) of the cars and how they received them.
1. Stayed a little longer at the shop to save this little guy from someone’s engine bay.

2. I don’t condone stealing… but man I want to!

3. Hood opens. Hood is layed down immediately. Tech exclaims “Oh HELL NO.”

4. Customer has been coming since 200k miles, said he’d get to 1 million. I’ve been waiting for that day for years, today he casually rolled up and asked to plug his tire, needless to say, best tire plug ever.

5. Customer refused all 4 tires on a rainy day, she also had to sign a waiver before releasing the car.

6. Customer states temperature gauge is reading full tank.

7. I replaced a battery last week in a customer’s car and she is trying to claim the battery is causing weird things to happen to her car now. This morning, she said the red line was never there before the battery was replaced and wants a refund. Lord help me.

8. Private security Tahoe with 1” bulletproof glass. The rest of the vehicle is just as heavily armored.

9. The car sounds like a cartoon.

10. Just in for an inspection & was greeted with this…

11. Customer kept adding air because the TPMS light would not turn off…

12. I work at a rental company and the police brought this back…

13. Accerlator gets stuck to the floor. Pull-on the string to unstick.

14. C/S she hears a flapping noise coming from the driver’s side.

15. Surprised it didn’t explode into the shop

16. Just hopped into the shop

17. Work never fails to disappoint

18. When I saw this I told her it wasn’t going to be cheep

19. Rental car came back like this “had a plane to catch”

20. Says didn’t have a spare, drove for 3 days! I found the spare in the trunk complete with jack!

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