There’s a whole world filled with unique creatures living deep underwater. Self-taught artist Robert Steven Connett based out of Los Angles, went on an exploration spree of the diversity of these lesser-seen ecosystems. How did the artist do it? With his vibrant acrylic paintings.

Because of the intricacy of the art, some viewers think that his work is painted digitally, however the artist makes each piece traditionally. Some of his extremely complex compositions can take up to 2,000 hours to complete!

From praying mantises to plankton and jellyfish to rhinoceros beetles, there are so many creatures that the artist has incorporated!

Image Source – Robert Steven Connett Website | Facebook | Instagram
If you are in awe of the paintings by this artist just like we are, you can purchase some prints and original artwork. To stay updated with his marvelous work head over to his online store and follow him on Instagram.
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