“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop. One small act of kindness can go a long way. Science has also proved that kindness is good for health, and in such a time where the world is falling apart, being kind and helping each other is what we need to survive and make this world a better place.
We have compiled these beautiful acts of kindness captured in photos that will make you believe that the world will always have a chance.
#1 This officer talked down the suicidal man and stopped him from jumping off the bridge

#2 Audience held up this handicapped man so that he can watch his favorite band

#3 He donated stem cells to a stranger who was suffering from leukemia

#4 He let a cat drink from his palms when he couldn’t find a cup

#5 This guy drives every day for hours to provide water to wild animals in drought-like conditions

#6 These people let others charge their phone during the blackout after Hurricane Sandy

#7 These students chipped in to buy a ticket for the school janitor so that he can go to his favorite band’s concert

The school janitor is a huge Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan. Since the prices were so high, we was devastated about not going. So, all of the students came together and bought him the tickets
#8 This man rescued a baby duck and reunited the baby with the mother

#9 Two men stopped and helped a lady who got a flat tire in a sketchy part of the town

#10 We definitely need more people like her

This girl saw this man, bought him a lunch and fed him the lunch she bought him.
#11 Not every school has a computer yet this didn’t stop this teacher from teaching Microsoft Word to the students

#12 This 6 years old girl donated her 13 inches of hair

#13 This homeless man cleans the beach. He does it for nature, not for the money

#14 A pelican had a hook stuck in his beak. He stepped up and helped the poor pelican

#15 This officer bought food for people after finding out that the day center was closed

A police officer bought food for 20 people after finding out that Day Center was closed.
#16 He is holding an umbrella for someone who can’t

#17 This restaurant is giving free hotdogs to those who can’t afford

#18 Someone did this during the quarantine so that stray dogs can drink water

#19 Policeman shared his pizza with the homeless woman

#20 This homeless musician was busking with borrowed guitars so an onlooker gave him one of his own. Look how happy he is now

Being kind doesn’t hurt anyone. When was the last time you were kind to someone?