A Man Spends $1,384 On Body Modifications Because He Wanted To Look Like A Vampire

A Man Spends $1,384 On Body Modifications Because He Wanted To Look Like A Vampire FI

At some point or other, we all have adopted fake teeth, worn a cape to mimic a vampire. But one hardcore horror fan spent £1,000 ($1384) to achieve the signature vampire look. 

Jason Luiz da Silva, from Brazil, wanted to change his appearance ever since he was young. As a fan of demon-inspired TV shows including The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural, he decided to use the characters as inspiration.

He began transforming his body when he was 18 years old by getting his eyes tattooed completely black. It’s a pretty risky modification because it can lead to permanent blindness.

But Silva’s desire outweighed the risks. And over the years, Silva has gotten a few body modifications done.

He’s had his tongue split, fang-like teeth implanted into his mouth, and his tongue tattooed black to replicate a vampire.

Commenting on the changes, Jason said:

I have always been passionate about modifications and was finally able to paint my eyes aged eighteen. Six months ago, I had my tongue splitting procedure and since then, I’ve also tattooed my tongue and recently modified my teeth.

My favorite modification is definitely my eyes. Every day I look in the mirror and can’t believe that I have made such an improvement.

It brings me happiness knowing that I’ve been able to make this change and look how I’ve always wanted to look.


His unusual appearance due to body modifications often attracts stares and comments from strangers. But Jason is ‘used to the bemused looks’ and is no longer bothered by what people think.

When I was younger I was called a ‘demon’ and a ‘freakshow.’ I just don’t bother with people who do not add positivity and happiness to my life.

Luckily, my mum and brother are super supportive of me and have followed me through every change.

Jason doesn’t plan on stopping his transformation just yet. In the future, he plans to make his ears ‘look like elf ‘, as well as getting some tattoos, some implants, and further adjustments to my body in the future.’

What are your thoughts on body modifications?

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