Whether it’s millennials, boomers, or the Gen-Z, everyone has some fond memories from the 90s. It was the time of hip-hop, parties, supermodels, cable tv, and the world wide net. Here are some of the pictures from the 90s that will make you go down the memory lane.
1. Bubble Beeper Gum. It was chalky but tasty at the same time.

2. Everyone wanted Rachel Green’s haircut

Friends/Warner Bros
3. Princess Diana’s biker shorts were more in rage than her haircut

4. If you ever wanted to rent a movie then Blockbuster was the best. They were the OG of movie rentals.

5. Pagers was how Ross would know that he is having a baby.

6. The Macarena song was played everywhere. Who can ever forget that?!
7. Remember When The Double Denim Look Was A Fashion Trend?
8. The Titanic pose would become a quintessential couple thing

Titanic/Paramount Pictures
9. Choker Were A Rage Back Then

10. People Went Crazy With Windows 95 OS.

11. Britney Spears Gave Us The Famous – “Baby one more time”
12. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers debuted in 93 and immediately became children’s favorite.

13. The famous Looney Tunes t-shirt that everyone wore to school

14. ‘Clueless‘ became so famous that there were books based on the movies and TV series.

15. The time when Jim Carrey played with Toy Story toys while presenting at the Oscars
16. Remember the time when PS1 came? Yeah, this Space Jam game was quite popular

17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Coming Out of Their Shells cassette tape was the coolest thing to listen to!

18. The Spice Girls used old giant computers when they visited the AOL offices

19. Britney Spears, Nick, and Monica were on the cover of Teen People magazine

20. Pokémon-themed Game Camera

Which one is your favourite?